Best College Towns to Live

College towns are great for more than just the time while you are in school. Many of them have a thriving economy and culture that make them perfect for a long-term commitment to the area. After you are done with your time on campus what factors become more important?...

Why is Math Important?

Why is Math important? Well, it is the underlying factor in the majority of life. While it may seem like math problems like the above have no real use in life, this couldn’t be farther from the truth!  Math is incredibly important in our lives and, without...

Where Can a Degree in Maths Take You?

If you’ve ever wondered about following your passion for Mathematics and pursuing further education within the field, well, I have good news for you. Thanks to the rapid advancements and importance placed on technology by all kinds of institutions, Math graduates have...

Why We Cheat and How to Avoid it

Let’s face it. We’ve all had the cheeky look over our friends’ exam paper over the years. I for one will admit that I’ve been a culprit. Everybody knows that cheating isn’t right, yet we still do it. Why is that? According to a study in the US(1), around half the...